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Canada is now Gambling Country no 1

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Feedback Giver B&W Feedback Receiver Gold Feedback Receiver Silver Feedback Receiver Bronze Feedback Receiver B&W Overachiever
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So how about that Brits? Are the Canadians taking your number 1 spots?

Canada is now Gambling Country no 1, Study Reveils

Feedback Giver B&W Casino Critic B&W Feedback Receiver B&W Game Enthusiast B&W
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I would like to think that the Canadians are not quite honest here. If you’re British, you gamble before you walk.

Feedback Receiver Bronze Feedback Giver B&W Feedback Receiver B&W Game Enthusiast B&W Casino Critic B&W
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Maybe they bet on moose. just kidding. Since I’m not British, I don’t really care.

Feedback Giver B&W Feedback Receiver B&W Casino Critic B&W Game Enthusiast B&W
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Yes! Canada! Canada! No 1!
But honestly, I’m not sure how valid these surveys are.

Feedback Giver Bronze Feedback Giver B&W Feedback Receiver Bronze Casino Critic B&W Feedback Receiver B&W Game Enthusiast B&W
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Well, not too much to do, up in the North.

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Really? Lezgooooo

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