Lena, Jason Luv, and Adam22

So I saw this.
Adam22: A Story of Humiliation or Blown out of all Proportion?
Considering that something like Janet Jackson’s “nipplegate” was enough to cause a scandal not too long ago, i wonder where we are heading these days.
And by we, I mean humanity.

I’m rarely commenting on topics like this because [insert Danny Glover’s most famous quote from Lethal Weapon here] but I read this and I’m baffled.
So, porn stars now have millions of followers on YouTube? I mean I know porn ahs always been a huge industry, and I don’t mind that, but I remember times when people were embarrassed to admit watching it.
Don’t get me wrong, everybody should do whatever they want, but what are we really talking about here now? Is porn now liberation fro feminists? I am confused.

That’s not the news, @qwertz, and your original forum name gives me a hint about why you didn’t understand. The news is that a married woman does a scene with another guy, and the discussion is whether this is good or not.