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Lena, Jason Luv, and Adam22

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So I saw this.

Adam22: A Story of Humiliation or Blown out of all Proportion?

Considering that something like Janet Jackson’s “nipplegate” was enough to cause a scandal not too long ago, i wonder where we are heading these days.
And by we, I mean humanity.

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I’m rarely commenting on topics like this because [insert Danny Glover’s most famous quote from Lethal Weapon here] but I read this and I’m baffled.
So, porn stars now have millions of followers on YouTube? I mean I know porn ahs always been a huge industry, and I don’t mind that, but I remember times when people were embarrassed to admit watching it.
Don’t get me wrong, everybody should do whatever they want, but what are we really talking about here now? Is porn now liberation fro feminists? I am confused.

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A porn star does a scene with another porn star. Is this news now?

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That’s not the news, @qwertz, and your original forum name gives me a hint about why you didn’t understand. The news is that a married woman does a scene with another guy, and the discussion is whether this is good or not.

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the main thing is nothing but evidence for what poor creatures most OF members are. Female pron stars of the past have been married women, too. Look how excited they become insulting Adam as if he didn’t know what was going on or as if he was “cucked”.

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What a random discussion. I’m pretty sure most of the whiners looked down at themselves crying when they saw Jason and now find it easier to take it out on Adam to make themselves feel better.

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Apparently, Adam had had over 200 scenes with other girls, but this one is a “scandal”? Ridiculous.

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Whenever one “Tate” is commenting, your BS alarm should go crazy. I bet he watched this one-handed…

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Long ago, I would have said “O tempora, o mores”, but I guess nowadays people think I#m talking about Japanese food. If at all.

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Apparently, Adam has now given his wife a Lambo as a thanks.

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Apparently, they make enough money to make presents of that size.
Not that size matters…

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Okay, plenty of information on this. I have thought about it “hard” and couldn’t find anything I’d be less interested in.

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Obviously, you can’t have your girl have s*x with another guy, watch it and think there won’t be consequences.

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Obviously, these are professionals and this has happened hundreds of times the other way round. So what?

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3rd century BC, hellenistic scientists: “We have proof that the Earth is round! Sensational!”
2023, scientists all over the world: “For heaven’s sake, the Earth is ROUND!”

This is the world we live in.

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OF incels are now berating porn pros and educating them on relationships. We have delved into mental carnival.

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